Have  you recently purchased a new home?


carpet shadows


You've had a full inspection and everything seems to be going your way. The real question is, have you had your carpets inspected?


Let me tell you a little story about one of our clients last month:


Our client just purchased an $800,000 home. They were so excited! Everything on the inspection passed with flying colors so they closed and began to move in.


A few days after unloading all of their things their son began complaining of an odor in his room.


So, what do they do? They located the source of the odor which was in the carpet. They called out a few carpet companies to take a look. One of them happened to bring their black light. The black light exposed more areas of staining from pet urine than areas of clean carpet. hey called us at Renovair for a complimentary inspection.


We went out to look at this space which was as bad, if not worse, than described. The odor was extremely mild except for in enclosed locations such as the bedrooms. Our black light turned up the exact same issues. There were spots absolutely everywhere. Worse, these spots were not typical urine stains. There was a strange halo around the majority of these spots. 

Actual image of urine spotting in the clients home
Actual image of urine spotting in the clients home.


We took a few fibers home for some testing and found these fibers to be a very high-end frieze nylon carpet. Nylon carpet typically has dye sites which are permeated with  dye to help color the carpet and  then coated with a stain blocker. These fibers had their dye sites filled with soil and further testing turned up optical brighteners, urine, multiple varieties of residue. The fibers themselves lacked stain blocker. 


We spoke with the customer and detailed all of our findings. The customer was very clear that they didn't want to replace this carpet because of the expense.  We put together a plan to properly remove all of these wonderful nasty things that shouldn't be in the carpet which caused it to glow under the black light like a nuclear site.


Our cost was comparable to the competitors and with the proper breakdown and testing they went with us at Renovair.


We showed up the next day with a full plan of attack. We first ran counter rotating brushes over all of the carpet to loosen the dry soil. We heavily vacuumed the space to remove the loosened debris and then pre-sprayed with an enzyme that's specifically formulated to break up the chemical residues and optical brighteners. Next, we applied a high traffic carpet cleaner to remove the ground-in soils and oils and to further loosen remaining soil. Lastly, we used a specifically formulated urine pre-spray which we  chose for their carpet .

These products were worked deep into the carpet with the counter-rotating brushes and left to dwell.

Localized steam extraction using a lead gold / carpet and rug institute certified system was used to remove the soils. 

Stain blocker was reapplied to the surfaces and worked in with the counter rotating brushes to help prevent future stains.

Our customers had to move furniture and boxes around before and while we were cleaning to ensure all surfaces were cleaned properly.

It should be completely obvious as to the reason you should call us at Renovair when you purchase your new home.  We will provide a complimentary inspection.  It is important for our customers to move furniture as we clean so perhaps we should talk about how frustrating it got for our customers to have to move furniture  so that we didn't just clean around the furniture and leave urine, soil and chemical residues under these locations which could later be tracked into the  clean locations.


Clients actual carpet after cleaning stains
Clients actual carpet after cleaning stains


Since you've already had your home inspected perhaps, prior to moving in, you should call Renovair and request a free inspection of the surfaces of your home so that it can be thoroughly  cleaned.